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A Flying Club - location d'avions et animation de voyages aériens |
[Hits: 31833][Added on: 03/28/08] |
A Flying Club propose à la location coque nue un Cessna 182 SMA classé IFR au départ de Toussus-le-Noble. Volez à 130 kts avec une autonomie de 1400 nm. Nous proposons des prix très intéressants mais surtout adaptés à votre mode de consommation. (Languages: English,French)(Country: France)http://www.aflyingclub.com |
A.I.R. Courtage Assurances |
[Hits: 31834][Added on: 07/08/04] |
Courtier d'assurance indépendant, spécialiste en assurance aviation, AIR Courtage Assurances est le Courtier des fédérations aéronautiques françaises.
(Languages: English,French)(Country: France)http://www.air-assurances.com |
AB Corporate - Location jet privé |
[Hits: 31832][Added on: 07/20/06] |
AB Corporate propose la location d’avions d’affaires à la demande, d’hélicoptère et de jet privé, services avions taxis, basée sur l’aéroport de Paris le Bourget.
(Languages: French)(Country: France)http://www.abcorporate.fr/ |
[Hits: 31833][Added on: 06/21/04] |
executive air charters
plane rentals
from 4 to 400 passengers
a la carte destinations (Languages: English,French)(Country: France)http://www.abcorporate.com |
Advertising/Marketing |
[Hits: 31832][Added on: 03/09/05] |
If you have anything to do with the aviation industy, anyhting, please contact me. Our company has a unique way to drive traffis and leads to your online business or company. We have opportunities for you to advertise on our website which has over 13,000 end users. (Languages: English)(Country: United States)http://www.partsbase.com |
Aeroengineer.com |
[Hits: 31832][Added on: 09/09/07] |
Dedicated to everything related to Airline and Aerospace Engineering whether you are just starting off on your career or if you have been involved in this industry for many years.
We provide Career advice and the latest Aerospace Engineering Jobs covering all categories. (Languages: English)(Country: United Kingdom)http://www.aeroengineer.com |
AeroFree Classifieds |
[Hits: 31837][Added on: 12/26/06] |
Brazilian FREE classifieds ads with photos. Create and manage your own aircraft classified right from your web browser. Your ad is exposed to thousands of unique visitors every week. (Languages: Others)(Country: Brazil)http://www.aerofree.com.br |
[Hits: 31832][Added on: 03/10/04] |
Atelier JAR 145 spécialisé dans la révision générale des moteurs à pistons, distributeur du moteur Diesel SMA pour la France. (Languages: French)(Country: France)http://www.am34.com |
Aeromondial |
[Hits: 31832][Added on: 06/11/04] |
Sales facilitation. International Ferrying and positioning. Consultancy.
An28 sales and spares. (Languages: English,French,Spanish)(Country: United Kingdom)http://aeromondial.com |
Affrètement et location de Jet privé |
[Hits: 31833][Added on: 06/08/09] |
À moyen ou à long terme, la solution d'affrètement d'Acass est conçue pour offrir un bon rapport qualité–prix en proposant un avion incluant l'équipement et l'équipage complets, un entretien supervisé et des assurances complètes. (Languages: English,French)(Country: Canada, QC)http://www.acass.com/fr/acass-charter-services |