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L'actualité aéronautique avec Aero-News Network

Airborne Affordable Flyers 03.27.25: MOSAIC To Miss OSH?, Flight Design, Dynon
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:23:41PM EST
Also: 2025 SnF Innovation Preview, Nat'l Aeronca Convention, Wright Flyer III, Ford Tri-Motor With a new political reality sweeping Washington, DC, and that doesn’t even include the efforts of Elon Musk, there are some serious questions about the future of MOSAIC. During our live coverage of the Aircraft Electronics Association Convention and Tradeshow, last week, we had the opportunity to talk to “Mr. Regulation” AEA’s regulatory expert, Ric Peri... and a guy we’re certain has a better handle on the regulatory environment than ANYONE speaking publicly. The China-based Shang Gong Group has acquired the assets of German aircraft manufacturer Flight Design and will allegedly make significant investment into increasing production in the Czech Republic. Marcello DiStefano, insolvency administrator of Flight Design general aviation GmbH, said that an intensive investor process was conducted before the decision to sell the company’s assets to a German subsidiary of Shang Gong Group. Dynon announced its new line of trim servos for experimental and light sport aircraft by Corgi Aviation. The servos electrically move trim control surfaces and other systems in homebuilt and other light aircraft. In homebuilt and light sport aircraft the servos are typically mounted in conjunction with avionics and autopilot systems to enable automatic adjustments of trim control surfaces by the autopilot when it is in use. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne!!!

Airborne 03.26.25: Patrouille de France MidAir, Wright Flyer, ATC Hiring
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:23:36PM EST
Also: Ford Tri-Motor, Helmet PURSUIT, AK UL Fuel Concerns, Malaysia MAX Buy Two Alpha Jets with the Patrouille de France collided during a training exercise on Tuesday March 25, 2025, near Air Base 113 in Saint-Dizier (Haute-Marne) and both aircraft were destroyed. Video posted on social media showed the six aircraft completing what looked like a loop maneuver when two of the jets trailing the formation hit each other. Ohio has officially designated the 1905 Wright Flyer III as the state’s official airplane, further reinforcing Dayton’s role in aviation history. The bill was passed on March 19 in the Ohio House of Representatives with strong support from local Reps Tom Young, Phil Plummer, and Bernie Willis. Less than a month after US Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy announced his plan to ‘supercharge’ air traffic controller hiring, the FAA has shared some promising initial numbers. The agency has already checked and referred more than 8,320 new candidates to the ATSA exam, with 190 already receiving a passing result. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unlimited!!!

NTSB Final Report: Burton Searey
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:23:32PM EST
Engine Exhibited A Sudden Loss Of Power But Continued Running With Excessive Vibration Analysis: The pilot of the amphibious, amateur-built airplane, who had purchased the airplane several months earlier and did not hold a rating for airplane single-engine sea, departed the lakefront grass runway and performed a sharp left turn to assume his enroute heading without retracting the airplane’s landing gear. The pilot reported that, about halfway through the turn, the engine exhibited a sudden loss of power but continued running with excessive vibration. Remedial actions to restore power were unsuccessful.

Airborne 03.24.25: Fokker D.VII Returns, New FAA Boss?, Midway Sun Glare?
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:23:29PM EST
Also: Smuggled Falcon 900 Seizure, AEA Tech Program, Viola Heads GAMA, Starliner Astros Go Home A rare First World War-era Fokker D.VII is set to return to the Netherlands in September 2025 to be put on display at Soesterberg’s National Military Museum. The aircraft was traced back to Dutch heritage after spending decades in Germany. The aircraft, registered D-28, was designed during WWI and originally entered Dutch service before the Second World War. President Donald Trump has nominated Republic Airways CEO Bryan Bedford to lead the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), placing him in charge of an agency still dealing with the aftermath of the deadliest US airline crash in nearly two decades. The NTSB released its Preliminary Report that revealed sun glare may have been a contributing a February 25, 2025 incident at Midway Airport (MDW) in Chicago that nearly resulted in a collision when a Flexjet aircraft crossed a runway in front of a landing Southwest Airlines jet. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unlimited!!!

Classic Aero-TV: Of Old Crows and Young Hearts
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:23:24PM EST
An SnF23 Favorite (YouTube Edition): The Stearman Storyteller A young Dutch boy looked on, rapt with amazement, as a T-6 pilot flew an aerobatic routine during an airshow long lost to time and obscurity. Up and around the T-6 flew, climbing and diving, rolling and pirouetting, its engine’s unbroken song rising and falling in a chorus of snarling and shrieking that resonated in the lad’s ears, imagination, and viscera. The T-6 landed and its pilot clambered out its cockpit to a coda of hot-engine pings and down-spinning gyros. Mustering his resolve, the boy approached the aviator—hand outstretched, a thousand questions on his lips—only to be brusquely brushed aside and left to watch the pilot stride away amongst a crush of adult admirers.

Airborne-NextGen 03.25.25: Lunar Firefly, H2-EJet, Hydrogen Symposium
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:23:20PM EST
Also: Billy Nolen to ZeroAvia, VFS 2025 Awards, Drone Jamming, Merlin TSO Authorization Firefly Aerospace’s Blue Ghost lunar lander successfully completed its NASA mission on March 16 after dropping off 10 instruments and capturing several photos and videos. The Firefly Aerospace Blue Ghost Mission 1 launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on January 15. 45 days, 2.8 million miles, and 27 GB of data downlinking later, it arrived on the moon’s Mare Crisium at around 2:34 am on March 2. Beyond Aero announced the unveiling of a modified design concept incorporating significant engineering advancements for its light jet to move forward toward certification and commercialization. The Toulouse, France-based aircraft manufacturer introduced refinements to reduce the risk of the hydrogen-gas fuel tanks in its BYA-1, the first clean-sheet hydrogen-electric jet design optimized for the use of gaseous hydrogen. The Vertical Flight Society announced it is holding its 4th Annual H2-Aero Symposium on April 2-3, 2025, in Long Beach, California. The event will be held in conjunction with the SAE International Hydrogen Airport Committee meeting on April 1 with both events taking place at the Long Beach Hilton. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-NextGen!!!

ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (03.27.25)
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:23:11PM EST
Aero Linx: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Our purpose is to ignite and celebrate aerospace ingenuity and collaboration, and its importance to our way of life. Our promise is to be your vital lifelong link to the aerospace community and a champion for its achievements. One Remarkable Fact Says It All: Since 1963, members from a single professional society have achieved virtually every milestone in modern American flight. That society is the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. With nearly 30,000 individual members from 91 countries, and 95 corporate members, AIAA is the world’s largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession...

Aero-News: Quote of the Day (03.27.25)
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:23:08PM EST
"An accident involving two Alpha Jets of the Patrouille de France during rehearsals has just occurred in the east of France. Emergency services are being mobilized. Source: One of several social media reports that followqed a midair collision involving two aircraft of the Patrouille de France.

ANN's Daily Aero-Term (03.27.25): MultiCom
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:23:04PM EST
MultiCom A mobile service not open to public correspondence used to provide communications essential to conduct the activities being performed by or directed from private aircraft.

Read/Watch/Listen... ANN Does It All
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:23:01PM EST
There Are SO Many Ways To Get YOUR Aero-News! It’s been a while since we have reminded everyone about all the ways we offer your daily dose of aviation news here is a full list of ways you can subscribe to our channels and get notifications when there are new episodes or breaking news! 1) Subscribe To Our Newsletter When surveyed, almost half of our audience shared with us that they rely on our daily newsletter to get their aviation news for the day and stay up-to-date in their field or craft. Are you subscribed yet? If not, use the link below to receive our daily Propwash emails that always feature a feed of our latest stories and breaking news. SUBSCRIBE >> /index.cfm?do=newsletter.subscribe

ANN's Daily Aero-Term (03.28.25): Back-Taxi
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:22:56PM EST
Back-Taxi A term used by air traffic controllers to taxi an aircraft on the runway opposite to the traffic flow. The aircraft may be instructed to back-taxi to the beginning of the runway or at some point before reaching the runway end for the purpose of departure or to exit the runway.

ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (03.28.25)
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:22:54PM EST
Aero Linx: American Navion Society Welcome to the American Navion Society. Your society is here to support the Navion community. We are your source of technical and operating information and social activities for the Navion in all its variants: canopy, L-17, Rangemaster, D-16 and Camair twins. Whether you are an owner, potential owner, enthusiast or just want explore this marvelous aircraft, please browse our site. Our forum is open for anyone to join the discussions. We encourage all owners to join the Society but with or without a Navion everyone is eligible.

Aero-Biz Survival 101 (1120a): Expert Ideas To Help You Through Tough Times
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:22:51PM EST
Brand New! Avoid The Need For A Comeback... Get Your Marketing Right, Right Now! Some time ago, the Aero-News Network, responding to numerous requests, established a marketing and communications sister company by the name of AEROPRENEUER... and it's been doing amazing work under these difficult circumstances -- and getting results! We're getting rave reviews from our clients, and working hard to earn the trust of a number of new marketing partners along the way. ANN's Amber Cedroni has come up with a few tips to help aero-businesses stay alive in these tough times, and will reach out each week to offer you all a few more from here on out...

Aero-News: Quote of the Day (03.28.25)
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:22:46PM EST
“Our hearts are with the people of Oklahoma as they face these devastating fires, which have tragically led to fatalities, numerous injuries, and the destruction of hundreds of homes, ranches, and properties. We stand in solidarity with affected communities and remain committed to supporting wildfire management agencies across the US through the deployment of critical resources, including our Scoopers and Multi-Mission Aircraft.” Source: Sam Davis, Chief Executive Officer of Bridger Aerospace, reflecting on their efforts as they deployed several aircraft to actively support wildfire containment efforts in Oklahoma and New Mexico. Two CL-415EAF Super Scooper aircraft flew to Oklahoma on March 11 to join a Multi-Mission Aircraft (MMA), and one MMA was dispatched to New Mexico to begin operations there to enhance that state’s firefighting response capabilities.

The SportPlane Resource Guide RETURNS!!!!
Fri, Mar 28,2025 04:22:42PM EST
Emphasis On Growing The Future of Aviation Through Concentration on 'AFFORDABLE FLYERS'It's been a number of years since the Latest Edition of Jim Campbell's HUGE SportPlane Resource Guide first saw the light of day. That massive 1100 page book last featured over 800 exciting sport aircraft from all over the SportPlane universe... at a time when the SportPlane industry was still a healthy, thriving enterprise (those were the days...). While there has been some consideration, off and on, toward updating the nearly 5 pound book, the near implosion of the SportPlane and kit industry over the last decade has made such a pursuit an unwieldy one... until now.

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